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How to Deal with Feeling Homesick

By: Maggie Lonsdale BA (hons) - Updated: 8 Apr 2013 | comments*Discuss
France New Life Emotions Feelings

The first step in dealing with feeling homesick in your new life in France is to accept that you feel homesick.

This may sound obvious, but it can be very hard to admit to yourself, let alone the friends and family you have left back in the UK, that all is not totally paradise in your new life.

Moving to a new country is difficult. Getting used to a new language, new culture, feeling far away from all you know – good grief, even finding a new dentist is tricky in the UK, why are people surprised when they find it a little overwhelming to find everything new?

It’s Normal to Feel Homesick

There is perhaps a concern that by admitting you feel a bit homesick implies that you made a mistake in moving to start your new life in France. This is very unlikely – your friends and family are more likely to be pleased that you felt able to talk to them honestly rather than pretending everything is perfect in your new life. Nobody’s life is perfect all the time anyway, so just because you live in France, why would it be any different?

By admitting that you are finding some elements of your new life in France a little bit tricky, you will probably gain some support and empathy from your friends and family. Accepting your homesick feelings and sharing your emotions with friends and family will help them to understand that you have not left them behind.

When people move to a new country it can make the people they have left behind in the UK feel a bit put out – it can seem like they are criticising their choices, or implying that what is good enough for their friends is not good enough for them. By sharing your feelings, you will be able to start an honest dialogue with your friends and family that will enable you all to ask questions about your new life.

What Can You Do To Feel Better?

On a practical level, it is worth noting that feelings of homesickness can be better or worse at different times, especially during your first year in France. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed – it is perfectly normal to miss things from home – even things you didn’t know you would miss! During particular dates – such your parents birthdays, Wimbledon…anything – you may feel a wave of homesickness that can take you by surprise. It’s not just Christmas that makes you miss your old home, family and friends.

Having something to look forward to is a great way to deal with your emotions. Look into the best deals on low cost airlines from your local airport in time for your Mum’s birthday, or see how expensive it would be to get British television in France so you don’t miss out on some of your favourite shows. Don’t forget, chatting to your friends on the phone about X Factor or Andy Murray is a great way to be part of your old life!

Accept that feeling homesick is a normal part of starting a new life in France and then you won’t fear it.

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